Isabelle is the baby of my family, the youngest of 4 girls. There’s a 10 year age difference between the two of us. I still have frames frozen in my mind of her hiding behind the couch as a toddler eating frozen mini pancakes, straight from the freezer.
Isabelle has always been the first to laugh, she speaks her mind, and honestly, she’s always given me compliments! What’s not to love. 😉
I wish I could bottle up all of Isabelle’s goodness, the best things about her, to keep them forever. As she approaches adulthood, grows in ways we can’t yet imagine, I pray her beautiful soul remains.
If you ever need a place to come back to, when you’re looking for lovely, I hope you come back here. I’m so excited to see what your future holds, and I can’t wait to witness it all.
With all my love,
your big sis.
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